January 11, 2011

How WordPress Themes Actually Work [INFOGRAPHIC]


ส่งถึงคุณโดย nunok ผ่าน Google Reader:


ผ่าน Mashable! โดย Jolie O'Dell เมื่อ 1/10/11

WordPress developer and all-around web geek Joost de Valk has just graced the Internet with a highly useful infographic.

For a medium that leans toward the amusing, infographics can occasionally be enlightening or even helpful for later reference.

This one serves as a sort of "cheat sheet for how your blog works" and takes the reader through the basics of a normal WordPress theme.

It's a posts-to-plugins look at the anatomy of a typical WordPress theme. Have a look, and let us know what you think in the comments.

Click to see original.

Reviews: WordPress

More About: infographic, joost de valk, WordPress, WordPress theme, yoast

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