January 21, 2012

Technology Costs Trump Utility Bills, Discrepancy Rising [STUDY]


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via Mashable! by Joann Pan on 1/12/12


Americans are needier than ever — for tech devices that is. A recent study shows that spending on technology devices and Internet connectivity trumps utility costs.

Consumer spending on the Internet, online services, mobile phones and multimedia entertainment costs are on the rise. The study's authors say approximately 63% of people spend about 35% more on technology bills than utility bills — gas and electricity costs — nowadays. Plus, they expect the difference between those two numbers to rise.

Does this mean people are putting their phones and laptops before staying warm? Not necessarily. Though spending habits show having access to the Internet and mobile communication may be as important as staying warm and living comfortably.

"Technology has become as critical as other utilities," said Vishal Dhar, president of marketing and co-founder of iYogi. "Given the increasing dependency on technology, it is difficult to imagine our life with a mobile phone, Internet connectivity, cable TV and other such services."

iYogi Insights — a research initiative focusing on the issues people come across when integrating new technology into their lives — conducted and published this study. About 1,083 iYogi subscribers were asked to fill out an online questionnaire that inquired about the participant's ownership of tech devices, usage patterns, Internet usage, technology costs, average utility spends and phone usage.

SEE ALSO: Consumers Spending More on Tech, Less on Travel This Holiday Season

People spent the most money on their mobile phones per month. The average three-plus family owns 10 to 11 Internet-capable devices. Out of the survey's participants, individuals spent an average of $94 in phone charges and an additional $19 on games, music, movies and other technology.

The study, authored by Rudra Dev Sen for iYogi, describes current technology spending habits, but also gives a glimpse to the future as new technology is released into the tech hungry market. Researchers predict even greater usage in terms of mobile communication devices and entertainment services.

Check out the infographic below for illustrated key findings.

Tell us in the comments section what you make these findings — do you spend more on your technology bills than utilities?

Infographic created by iYogi

More About: Gadgets, internet, laptops, Mobile, phones, study


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