February 18, 2012

New Printable Paper Cameras by Mel Stringer


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via Paper Crave by kristen on 1/30/12

Printable Paper Camera

Last March, I featured Mel Stringer's very clever, printable 3D paper cameras, and I was so excited to see that she recently added a new design to her collection. "TOUGHIE", the new do-it-yourself paper camera, was inspired by LOMO's Diana and Konica Minolta cameras and is available in four different designs: graph paper white, denim blue, rosebud pink, and floral pink + blue. I love that the little lid is a separate piece that lifts off so you can easily tuck a favor or gift inside!

TOUGHIE Printable Paper Camera

DIY Paper Camera

images from Mel Stringer


Things you can do from here:


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