February 04, 2012

Osim's uPixie USB-powered Messaging Device


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via SpicyTec by jiff0777 on 1/28/12

The OSIM uPixie makes it easy to experience comfort while hunched for hours over one's laptop. This product is a USB massaging device that provides pads for one to place at strategic points of the body to experience soothing kneads of the muscles while working away. The USB drive doesn't only plug in to the computer for power, but can also be set to work alongside the music one listens to while working to create a thoroughly relaxing environment. It may get a little difficult to focus on one's work when being massaged, but it definitely beats twisting and turning to stretch every five minutes. The OSIM uPixie program can be customized so that users can experience specific massaging at their desired times as well. [Via- Trendhunter & gizmog]


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