February 18, 2012

This Awesome Drum Set Is Made from Repurposed Wine Barrels!


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via INHABITAT by Diane Pham on 2/15/12

recycled wine barrels, wine barrel drum set, eco drum set, cool drum sets, wine barrel drum kit, repurposed wine barrels, wine barrel drums, eco musical instruments

If you're a drummer and a green enthusiast, you'll love this awesome drum set that's been built from repurposed wine barrels. With a complete kit that comes with a bass drum, toms, a snare, and a high hat and cymbal — courtesy of what appears to be Zildjian — you can impress your friends and family not only with your musical prowess, but your fine taste in eco-design. We'll raise our recycled glasses to that!

Via EcoNesting

recycled wine barrels, wine barrel drum set, eco drum set, cool drum sets, wine barrel drum kit, repurposed wine barrels, wine barrel drums, eco musical instruments

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