February 12, 2012

Why People Aren’t Buying Much On Facebook Yet: INFOGRAPHIC


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via All Facebook by Jackie Cohen on 2/10/12

What's stopping Facebook commerce right now? The same kinds of security fears that people had when stores began opening up shops on the Internet.

Social commerce is supposed to reach $30 billion within five years, but right now people are still hesitant even though they spend a lot of time on sites like Facebook.

These attitudes and behaviors are summed up in survey that Harris Interactive did on behalf of Digitas last month, polling 2,630 U.S. adults aged 18 years and older, of which 2,247 were identified as social media users.

The survey findings appear in an infographic at the bottom of this post, but the highlights are as follows:

  • 55 percent of social media users aren't comfortable giving credit card information via social media;
  • 45 percents of social media users are at least somewhat comfortable doing so, especially men between the ages of 18 and 54 of $35,000 or more;
  • People are spending as much time accessing social networks via their mobile devices as they do via their PCs, especially men aged 45 through 54;
  • 34 percent of social media users agree that they'd be more likely to share info about a purchase they made on a social media site with friends than one made on a traditional e-commerce site;
  • 50.7 percent of social media users who use their mobile phones to access social media sites spend close to a full hour per day on average on them via a mobile device;
  • Social media users who use their computer spend an average of 56.3 minutes on these sites per day;
  • 38 percent of those who use their mobile phones to access social media sites cite general browsing as their primary activity on these sites, although older males are likeliest to cite this (53 percent of males age
  • 45 to 54 compared to 35 percent of men aged 18 to 44, versus 42 percent of men 55 and over;
  • 75 percent of social media users indicate that they agree that they would be more likely to purchase a product or service that a friend openly endorses via social media;
  • 74 percent of social media users indicate that, given the option, they wouldn't use virtual currency, such as Bitcoin or Facebook Credits to pay for a purchase made on a social media site; and
  • 20 percent of social media users agree that, where possible, they would purchase products or services from their favorite brands on a social media site.


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