September 23, 2012

5 creative DIY clocks that can be used as accent pieces


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via Home Decorating Trends by Simona Ganea on 9/10/12

The clock is one of those items that we all have in our homes but we don't really notice its presence until it stops working. In fact, a wall clock is a wonderful way of introducing color in a décor and they can be unique accent pieces. There are multiple DIY designs that you can try. We have gathered five of the most ingenious and creative ones and we hope you'll find them as interesting as we do.

1. A simple button clock.

You can find numerous ways of making a clock with just the items that you have in your home. For example, you could make a button clock. It's a very easy and fun project. Here's what you need to do.

First find an old clock that you can pull apart. It may even be your old clock that you wish to replace with something more creative. Then get an embroidery hoop, some fabric and some nice vintage buttons. Put the fabric into the frame and glue it in. Sew the buttons on and then insert the mechanism through the back.{found on epherielldesigns}.

2. An asterisk clock.

This is a more modern design. It's an iconic mid-century classic and it's quite easy to make. You need a 1/4″ or 3/8″ thick hardboard or plywood that's at least 10×10''. Spray adhesive or painter's tape, sandpaper, an electrical drill, measuring tools, thin basswood or balsa, a clock mechanism, spray paint and glue. First, print out the template and attach it to the clock face material with tape or adhesive. Cut out the asterisk shape with a jigsaw. Find the center and drill a hole through it for the mechanism. Use strong glue to attach it and then add the hand templates.{found on curbly}

3. A junk mail clock.

Here's a project that will show you how to turn junk mail into a wonderful accent piece for your home. To make it you need approximately 24 sheets of junk mail, a pen or pencil, scissors, tape, a long needle, embroidery floss, two clear CDs, a round cardstock circle with a hole in the middle and a clock mechanism. You need to make 24 tubes by rolling the sheets of paper using a pen or pencil.

Tape each end with invisible tape. Fold approximately one third of the tube towards the other end and use a thick sewing needle to thread the embroidery floss through.Then sew the other 23 piece onto the clock. Take a clear CD and place it with the hole above the one that forms in the center of the starburst. Then attach the clock mechanism. Flip the clock over and place the second CD above the hole on the other side. Put the paper circle on the mechanism and it's done.{found on apartmenttherapy}.

4. A wooden clock.

This is one of the most interesting designs. It's a clock made from a log. Making one is very simple. All you need to do is slice the log horizontally. You will get a slice of wood. Then you have to drill a hole in the center and insert the clock mechanism. You can then paint numbers, dots or anything else you want on the surface of the clock. It will give your home a nice rustic touch.

5. Ping pong ball clock.

This design is particularly suitable for children as it has a playful look. To make it you need a 6'' diam. round tin, 12 ping pong balls, 12 bamboo skewers, a clock mechanism, a 6'' diam. Styrofoam circle, gloss spray paint and a large nail. First poke a hole in each ping pong ball using the needle or awl. Then insert a bamboo skewer in each one. Spray paint them and let them dry. Then hollow out a square space in the Styrofoam circle. Poke 12 holes into the rim of the tin lid and insert the Styrofoam with the clock mechanism. Add the hands and put the lid on. insert the skewered ping pong balls into the holes and your clock is done.{found on sara-vs-sarah}.

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