February 11, 2012

Tablet Advertising More Palatable, says Nielsen


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via (title unknown) by Alex Spencer on 2/8/12

More UK consumers find advertising acceptable on their Tablet (40 per cent) than on their smartphone (30 percent), according to the latest UK Connected Devices report from Nielsen. In addition, users remember Tablet ads - 48 per cent recalled seeing an ad on their tablet at least once a day, compared to 37 per cent on smartphones.

"There is now one tablet for every six smartphones in the UK, a ratio which continues to close," says David Gosen, who leads Nielsen's digital strategy in Europe. "Tablets are driving an increase in dual screening – this is both good and bad for advertisers. Consumers are unfortunately more distracted during TV ad breaks, with 64 per cent saying they simultaneously use a tablet while watching TV at least 'several times a week'. But intelligent, integrated campaigns with TV, app and search elements can deliver a powerful, cohesive brand message like never before. Understanding how consumer behaviour is evolving is the key to success."

The report also found that Tablets (28 per cent) were used more to look up product information off the back of an TV ad than smartphones (18 per cent). 10 per cent of users, meanwhile, said they made a direct purchase through their tablet, compared to seven per cent on their phone.


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